Santiago R, Birge Ken Tok
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import cv2
import pandas as pd
import math
from IPython.display import clear_output
def I_A(A, a,b,c,d):
I = a*np.cos(b*A+c)**2+d
return I
popt = (2,2,1,1)
A = np.arange(0,10,0.1)
plt.plot(A, I_A(A, *popt))
img = cv2.imread('NasaLogo.png',0)
f = np.fft.fft2(img)
fshift = np.fft.fftshift(f)
magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(np.abs(fshift))
plt.subplot(121),plt.imshow(img, cmap = 'gray')
plt.title('Input Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
plt.subplot(122),plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap = 'gray')
plt.title('Magnitude Spectrum'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
def fourier_image(input_path, Name):
img = cv2.imread(input_path,0)
f = np.fft.fft2(img)
fshift = np.fft.fftshift(f)
magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(np.abs(fshift))
plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap = 'gist_gray')
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
plt.savefig(Name, dpi=1200)
fourier_image("NasaLogo.png", "NasaFft")
focal_lengths = [100,200] #mm
$D = (278 \pm 2)mm$ Abstand Spiegel-Schirm
$\lambda = 532nm$
$M = (31 \pm 2)mm$ Abstand Spiegel-SLM
#in cm
d_low = [-4.2,-3.1,-2.1,-1.1]
d_high = [1.1,2.1,3.2,4.3]
d_right = [-4.2,-3.1,-2.1,-1]
d_left = [1, 2.1,3.1,4.2]
u_d = 0.2
u_m = 10
k = np.array([-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4])
def lin_fit(k,a,b):
y = a*k+b
return y
alpha_highlow = np.sin(np.arctan(np.array(d_low+d_high)*10/309))
u_alpha = np.sqrt((1/(1+(np.array(d_low+d_high)*10/309)**2)*1/309*u_d)**2+(1/(1+(np.array(d_low+d_high)*10/309)**2)*np.array(d_low+d_high)/(309**2)*u_m)**2)
u_sinalpha = np.cos(np.arctan(np.array(d_low+d_high)))*u_alpha
popt, pcov = curve_fit(lin_fit, k, np.sin(alpha_highlow), sigma = u_sinalpha)
plt.plot(k, lin_fit(k,*popt))
print("Der Pixelpitch beträgt", 532*1e-3/popt[0], "+/-", 532*1e-3/(popt[0]**2)*pcov[0,0]**0.5 ,"um")
alpha_rightleft = np.sin(np.arctan(np.array(d_right+d_left)*10/309))
u_alpha = np.sqrt((1/(1+(np.array(d_right+d_left)*10/309)**2)*1/309*u_d)**2+(1/(1+(np.array(d_right+d_left)*10/309)**2)*np.array(d_right+d_left)/(309**2)*u_m)**2)
u_sinalpha = np.cos(np.arctan(np.array(d_right+d_left)))*u_alpha
popt, pcov = curve_fit(lin_fit, k, np.sin(alpha_rightleft), sigma = u_sinalpha)
plt.plot(k, lin_fit(k,*popt))
print("Der Pixelpitch beträgt", 532*1e-3/popt[0], "+/-", 532*1e-3/(popt[0]**2)*pcov[0,0]**0.5 ,"um")
alpha_highlow = np.sin(np.arctan(np.array(d_low+d_high)*10/309))
u_alpha = np.sqrt((1/(1+(np.array(d_low+d_high)*10/309)**2)*1/309*u_d)**2+(1/(1+(np.array(d_low+d_high)*10/309)**2)*np.array(d_low+d_high)/(309**2)*u_m)**2)
u_sinalpha = np.cos(np.arctan(np.array(d_low+d_high)))*u_alpha
popt, pcov = curve_fit(lin_fit, k, np.sin(alpha_highlow), sigma = u_sinalpha)
plt.plot(k, lin_fit(k,*popt),label="Vertical Data Fit y = am+b")
plt.scatter(k,alpha_highlow,label="Data Vertical Diffraction")
alpha_rightleft = np.sin(np.arctan(np.array(d_right+d_left)*10/309))
u_alpha = np.sqrt((1/(1+(np.array(d_right+d_left)*10/309)**2)*1/309*u_d)**2+(1/(1+(np.array(d_right+d_left)*10/309)**2)*np.array(d_right+d_left)/(309**2)*u_m)**2)
u_sinalpha = np.cos(np.arctan(np.array(d_right+d_left)))*u_alpha
popt, pcov = curve_fit(lin_fit, k, np.sin(alpha_rightleft), sigma = u_sinalpha)
plt.plot(k, lin_fit(k,*popt), label="Horizontal DataFit y = am+b")
plt.scatter(k,alpha_rightleft,label="Data Horizontal Diffraction")
plt.ylabel("Angle "r'$sin(\theta _M)$')
plt.xlabel("Diffraction Order m")
plt.legend(loc="upper left")
t = [0, 580,1440,1960,2880, 3460, 4100] #in schritten von pi in ms ab den 255-0 Sprung
u_t = 20 #in ms
#in sekunden
g_min = np.array([0.3])/4.14*256-1
g_max = np.array([1])/4.14*256-1
p_t_min = np.array([1.4,1.46])
p_t_max = np.array([1.4,1.48])
data = pd.read_csv("Data_GreyValues.csv")
t = np.array(data["Second"][60:440])
U = np.array(data["Volt"][60:440])
t = np.array(data["Second"])
U = np.array(data["Volt"])
A = max(data["Volt"][60:440])-min(data["Volt"][60:440])
U_noise = min(data["Volt"][60:440])
Period = np.pi/1.5
Guesses = np.array([A,Period,0,U_noise])
popt, pcov = curve_fit(I_A,t[60:440],U[60:440], Guesses, sigma = 0.03*U[60:440])
t_array = np.arange(-3,3,0.02)
plt.plot(t_array, I_A(t_array, *popt),label="Fit")
plt.plot(t, U, label="Data")
plt.ylabel(r'$U in V \propto I$')
plt.xlabel("t in s")
plt.legend(loc="upper left")
#Fit mit A = U_max-U_min, d = U_min
def I_A(x,b,c):
a = A
d = U_noise
I = a*np.cos(b*x+c)**2+d
return I
Period = np.pi/1.5
Guesses = np.array([Period,0])
popt, pcov = curve_fit(I_A,t[60:440],U[60:440], Guesses, sigma = 0.03*U[60:440])
t_array = np.arange(-3,3,0.02)
plt.plot(t_array, I_A(t_array, *popt), label="Fit "r'$U(A) \propto I(A)$')
plt.plot(t, U, label="Data")
Gray_Values = np.array([1*np.pi/(4*popt[0])-2.68+0.12020481,3*np.pi/(4*popt[0])-2.68+0.12020481,2*np.pi/popt[0]-2.68+0.12020481])
plt.scatter(Gray_Values, I_A(Gray_Values, *popt), label="Gray Values", color = "black", s=50)
plt.ylabel(r'$U(t) \ in \ V \propto I(A)$')
plt.xlabel("t in s")
plt.legend(loc="upper right",fontsize=8)
def residuals(f, popt, x, y, res_name):
residuals = y - f(x,*popt)
ss_res = np.sum(residuals**2)
ss_tot = np.sum((y-np.mean(y))**2)
R_2 = 1 - (ss_res / ss_tot)
plt.scatter(x,residuals, label='Residuen, R^2 ='+str(np.round(R_2,7)))
plt.ylabel("Differenz y-f(x)")
plt.ylim(-np.abs(max(residuals))*1.5, np.abs(max(residuals))*1.5)
plt.legend(loc="upper right", prop={'size': 8})
#plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8,1)
plt.savefig("Residuen"+res_name+".pdf", bbox_inches = "tight")
print("R^2 =", R_2)
residuals(I_A, popt, t[60:440],U[60:440], "AmplitudenModulation")
def A(phase):
grey_value = phase/4.14*256-1
return grey_value
A_2pi = A((2*np.pi)/popt[0])
A_max = A(3*np.pi/(4*popt[0]))
A_min = A(1*np.pi/(4*popt[0]))
print("A_2pi =",A_2pi)
print("A_max =",A_max)
print("A_min =",A_min)
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='Hologramme/3.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
#After this point, only images and their respective settings in the SLM setup are shown
#No further data processing is done, but all the recorded data can thus be saved in an
#orderly manner for potential future reference
path = "2021-04-19/Fourier/"
Image(filename=path+'abstract_black_white.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
path = "Hologramme/"
Image(filename=path+'abstract_black_white.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
fourier_image(path+'abstract_black_white.jpg', "AbstractFFT")
path = "2021-04-19/Fourier/"
Image(filename=path+'BlazedGrating.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
path = "Hologramme/"
Image(filename=path+'BlazedGrating.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
fourier_image(path+'BlazedGrating.jpg', "BlazedGratingFFT")
path = "2021-04-19/Fourier/"
Image(filename=path+'OneHarmonic.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
path = "Hologramme/"
Image(filename=path+'OneHarmonic.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
fourier_image(path+'OneHarmonic.jpg', "OneHarmonicFFT")
path = "2021-04-19/Fourier/"
Image(filename=path+'TwoHarmonics.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
path = "Hologramme/"
Image(filename=path+'TwoHarmonics.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
fourier_image(path+'TwoHarmonics.jpg', "TwoHarmonicsFFT")
path = "2021-04-19/Fourier/"
Image(filename=path+'Snowflake0001.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
path = "Hologramme/"
Image(filename=path+'snowflake-pattern-fractal-structure-tangled.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
fourier_image(path+'snowflake-pattern-fractal-structure-tangled.jpg', "SnowflakeFFT")
path = "2021-04-19/Fourier/"
Image(filename=path+'fractal_2_40001.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
path = "Hologramme/"
Image(filename=path+'fractal_2.4.png', width = 800, height = 300)
fourier_image(path+'fractal_2.4.png', "Fractal_2_4FFT")
MeshVertical, Low Pass Filter, MeshVL1
Width Slit = 30 Pixel
path = "2021-04-19/Filtering/"
Image(filename=path+'MeshVL.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
MeshVertical, High Pass Filter, MeshVH1
Width Slit = 30 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'MeshVH.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
MeshVertical, Low Pass Filter, MeshVL2
Width Slit = 42 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'MeshVL2.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
MeshVertical, High Pass Filter, MeshVH2
Width Slit = 42 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'MeshVH2.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
MeshVertical, Low Pass Filter, MeshVL3
Width Slit = 15 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'MeshVL3.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
MeshVertical, High Pass Filter, MeshVH3
Width Slit = 15 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'MeshVH3.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
CatVertical, Low Pass Filter, CatVL1
Width Slit = 56 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'CatVL.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
CatVertical, High Pass Filter, CatHL11
Width Slit = 56 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'CatVH.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
CatVertical, Low Pass Filter, CatVL2
Width Slit = 65 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'CatVL2.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
CatVertical, High Pass Filter, CatHL2
Width Slit = 65 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'CatVH2.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
CatVertical, Low Pass Filter, CatVL3
Width Slit = 37 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'CatVL3.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
CatVertical, High Pass Filter, CatHL3
Width Slit = 37 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'CatVH3.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
HumboldtCircular, Low Pass Filter, HumboldtCL1
Radius = 431 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'HumboldtCL1.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
HumboldtCircular, Low Pass Filter, HumboldtCH1
Radius = 431 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'HumboldtCH1.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
HumboldtCircular, Low Pass Filter, HumboldtCL2
Radius = 391 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'HumboldtCL2.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
HumboldtCircular, Low Pass Filter, HumboldtCH2
Radius = 391 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'HumboldtCH2.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
HumboldtCircular, Low Pass Filter, HumboldtCL3
Radius = 130 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'HumboldtCL3.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
HumboldtCircular, High Pass Filter, HumboldtCH3
Radius = 130 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'HumboldtCH3.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
TsunamiCircular, Low Pass Filter, TsunamiCL1
Radius = 145 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'TsunamiCL1.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
TsunamiCircular, High Pass Filter, TsunamiCH1
Radius = 145 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'TsunamiCH1.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
TsunamiCircular, Low Pass Filter, TsunamiCL2
Radius = 83 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'TsunamiCL2.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
TsunamiCircular, High Pass Filter, TsunamiCH2
Radius = 83 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'TsunamiCH2.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
TsunamiCircular, Low Pass Filter, TsunamiCL3
Radius = 50 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'TsunamiCL3.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
TsunamiCircular, High Pass Filter, TsunamiCH3
Radius = 50 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'TsunamiCH3.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
TsunamiHorizontal, Low Pass Filter, TsunamiHL1
Width Slit = 182 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'TsunamiHL1.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
TsunamiHorizontal, High Pass Filter, TsunamiHH1
Width Slit = 182 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'TsunamiHH1.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
TsunamiHorizontal, Low Pass Filter, TsunamiHL2
Width Slit = 114 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'TsunamiHL2.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
TsunamiHorizontal, High Pass Filter, TsunamiHH2
Width Slit = 114 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'TsunamiHH2.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
TsunamiHorizontal, Low Pass Filter, TsunamiHL3
Width Slit = 65 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'TsunamiHL3.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
TsunamiHorizontal, High Pass Filter, TsunamiHH3
Width Slit = 65 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'TsunamiHH3.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
f = 200mm
Fourier 1 - No Phase Patterns/No Grating, 1 Iteration
path = "2021-04-19/Hologram/"
Image(filename=path+'Fourier1.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Fourier 10 - No Phase Patterns/No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Fourier10.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Fourier 100 - No Phase Patterns/No Grating, 100 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Fourier100.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Fourier 10 - Phase Pattern of Prisma x: -111 Pixel y: 0 Pixel, No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Fourier10prim.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Fourier 10 - Phase Pattern of Prisma x: -111 Pixel y: -100 Pixel, No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Fourier10prid.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Fourier 10 - Phase Pattern of Lens Z: 309 Pixel, No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Fourier10len.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Fourier 10 - Phase Pattern of binary Lens Z: 309 Pixel, No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Fourier10lenb.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Fourier 10 - Phase Pattern of Prisma x: -111 Pixel y: -100 Pixel, Lens Z: 309 Pixel, No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Fourier10com.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Fourier 10 - Phase Pattern of binary Prisma x: -111 Pixel y: -100 Pixel, binary Lens Z: 309 Pixel, No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Fourier10comb.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Humboldt 1 - No Phase Patterns/No Grating, 1 Iteration
Image(filename=path+'Humboldt1.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Humboldt 10 - No Phase Patterns/No Grating, 10 Iteration
Image(filename=path+'Humboldt10.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Humboldt 100 - No Phase Patterns/No Grating, 100 Iteration
Image(filename=path+'Humboldt100.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Humboldt 10 - Phase Pattern of Prisma x: -111 Pixel y: 0 Pixel, No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Humboldt10prim.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Humboldt 10 - Phase Pattern of Prisma x: -111 Pixel y: -100 Pixel, No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Humboldt10prid.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Humboldt 10 - Phase Pattern of Lens Z: 309 Pixel, No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Humboldt10len.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Humboldt 10 - Phase Pattern of binary Lens Z: 309 Pixel, No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Humboldt10lenb.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Humboldt 10 - Phase Pattern of Prisma x: -111 Pixel y: -100 Pixel, Lens Z: 309 Pixel, No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Humboldt10com.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Humboldt 10 - Phase Pattern of binary Prisma x: -111 Pixel y: -100 Pixel, binary Lens Z: 309 Pixel, No Grating, 10 Iterations
Image(filename=path+'Humboldt10comb.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Axicon Shaped 1 - 166 Pixel
path = "2021-04-19/Hologram/"
Image(filename=path+'Axicon1.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Axicon Shaped 2 - 115 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'Axicon2.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)
Axicon Shaped 3 - 62 Pixel
Image(filename=path+'Axicon3.jpg', width = 800, height = 300)